RAVE: Kumazasa Hand Soap from Nancy Boy

images[3]Nancy Boy

I have been receiving Nancy Boy’s emails for years after a suggestion from my girlfriend in SF, who prides herself for being in the know for nice things.

Their newsletter is hilarious and entertaining, you should sign up just for them.

Having visited their shop on Hayes Street, it is surprisingly spare.  I have never purchased anything in all my visits because I am not a big fan of scents and I get overwhelmed easily.  But lately, I have been desiring a clean scent for the house: something fresh, but not heavy or manly or girly.  I remembered that Nancy Boy had a few smells that I liked, but was not in love with.

Upon reflection, I realized that I didn’t want anything that I would hang on like someone I can’t get enough of.  Save that goal for people scents.  For the room, I wanted light, unobtrusive, fresh, and clean.

Living many states away, I took a chance on my intuition with Nancy Boy.  I wish I lived near SF, but I can only afford to visit!  I sprung for the Kumazasa hand soap with pumice and a couple of their signature essential oils for the diffuser.

Well, PATS ON BACK!  I purchased well (I have a knack for that).  Their Signature and Spa oils smell great.  Signature is more balanced mix of lavender, rosemary, and peppermint.  Spa is lemongrassy.  I like them both, but Signature wins for me.

Another item that I took a chance on was the Kumazasa Hand Soap.  I am an indoor cat and don’t really need the pumice, but I thought it would be a nice thing for the utility room.  I seemed ‘utility’ and rugged like the Lava Soap days.  Uggh, it smells so good!  Try some.  You will enjoy washing your hands all the time, not just when someone is watching you.

BTW, Eric Roos (owner) at Nancy Boy is funny and customer-friendly.  Buy with abandon.

p.s.  I like to end sentences with prepositions, so if that bothers you…hah!  That’s what I am here for!!

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